blog results for BWC
15 Results World Championship: World of Warcraft Day 2

First days at any event are always a life-drainer. Despite thinking I’d be heading out for an after party last night, my eyelids were heavy and brain mushy, so it ended up being an early evening with room service and a found-footage horror movie. I’m glad, though, because I was up early, feeling good, and ready to catch the second day’s Arena matches as soon as they began. With only a few remaining before heading into the final four, the two North American teams -- Evil Geniuses and Bring It -- continued to look strong, with Korea’s LG-IM and Europe’s Yaspresents and I’m Just Being Honest fighting for the remaining spots.

12 years ago
The World Championship has Concluded: VODs Inside

The World Championship has concluded. If you missed out on any of the action, be sure to check out the VODs. The World Championship kicks off at 6:00 p.m. PST this Friday, November 16, and you can catch all the action live, FREE, and in HD over at Tune in to watch the epic finale of the StarCraft II World Championship Series and the World of Warcraft Arena Global Finals, as some of the world’s best pro gamers battle it out for glory, cash prizes, and the coveted title of world champion.

12 years ago World Championship: World of Warcraft Day 1

Shanghai taxis are better than a cup of coffee—or ten. My cab zips through downtown streets over painted lines that apparently mean nothing here, passing just inches from cars and pedestrians, and honking for both excellent and seemingly no-good reasons every few seconds. You just have to put your head down and hope for the best, and that act of blocking the world out and praying the next second won’t be your last is possibly what the World of Warcraft Arena and StarCraft II players will be feeling every moment they’re onstage this weekend.

12 years ago World Championship – Raid Challenge

Day Two of the World Championship starts with a bang as two of China’s top raiding guilds, Stars and Supreme Quicksand, face off in a live raid exhibition, aiming to clear Mogu’shan Vaults with the fastest time. Tune in to the live stream on November 17 at 5:30 p.m. PST to witness the competition.

12 years ago World Championship Official Trailer

Over the past year, more than 600 players from around the world competed in one of the most epic eSports contests ever. The field has now been narrowed to the 32 best StarCraft II players and 10 best World of Warcraft Arena teams, and each is set to face off for more than $500,000 in prizes and the title of world champion.

12 years ago
New World Championship Event Site Open

This Friday the World Championship will take Shanghai, China by storm. To make sure that you have all the information you need, we've launched a brand new event site complete with player profiles, brackets, event schedule and more. Keep up on all the World of Warcraft and StarCraft II event news and make sure you're ready to take in all the action live on the free stream starting at 6:00 PM PST Friday, November 16.

12 years ago World Championship – Challenge Event Dungeons

At 7:30 p.m. PDT on November 16, witness five-player teams from each of Asia’s top raiding guilds, Stars and Supreme Quicksand, prove their mettle by competing simultaneously in the Dungeon Challenge, a Challenge Mode race through Shado-pan Monastery, Scarlet Halls, and Stormstout Brewery.

12 years ago World Championship: Arena Junkies Interviews Zunniyaki

Team Yaspresents took Gamescom in Cologne, Germany by storm this summer in the 2012 European World Invitational taking the top spot of two teams who secured a ticket to the 2012 World of Warcraft Arena Global Finals at the 2012 World Championship in Shanghai, China.

12 years ago World Championship: Arena Junkies Interviews Talbadar

Curse Network fan site Arena Junkies managed to catch Evil Genuises Shadow Priest extraordinaire Talbadar for a little one on one interview about the upcoming event, plans for world domination, and the chance to become the World of Warcraft Arena Global Champions.

12 years ago World Championship: Meet the World of Warcraft Arena Players

Now that you’ve learned a little more about the World Championship and the great World of Warcraft events that will be occurring, it’s time to introduce you to the teams that will be competing in the World Championship World of Warcraft Arena Global Finals.

12 years ago World Championship: Follow the Action

We’re just two weeks away from the some truly amazing eSports action at the World Championship in Shanghai, China. If you haven’t been following along thus far, you may have missed some key information, so let’s recap.

12 years ago
World of Warcraft at the World Championship

StarCraft II isn’t the only game at the World Championship (BWC), taking place on Saturday, November 17 and Sunday, November 18 in Shanghai, China. Some of the best World of Warcraft players from around the world will also be sharing the spotlight in events that include a live raid encounter featuring the Stars and Supreme Quicksand raiding guilds, Challenge Mode dungeon races, and an epic Arena championship.

12 years ago World Championship Site Now Live

The World Championship taking place in Shanghai this November will be the culmination of more than 30 StarCraft II World Championship Series tournaments around the world. Several StarCraft II national champions as well as other top players from various global regions will compete to determine one global champion. With the North America Finals just finished this past weekend, and two more continental finals on their way (Europe and Asia), we’re pleased to present the official World Championship mini-site.

12 years ago World Championship Series Tickets Coming Soon

The World Championship event -- the culmination of the over 30 StarCraft II World Championship Series (WCS) tournaments, and home to the upcoming World of Warcraft Arena global finals -- will take place November 17 and 18 in Shanghai, China. With so many talented players competing to be crowned 2012’s world champion, we want to see faces from all over the world live, in the crowd, and cheering on their hometown heroes. In the near future we’ll open up tickets sales for the event.

12 years ago World Championship Headed to China

We’ve just announced that the World Championship event -- the culmination of the over 30 StarCraft II World Championship Series (WCS) tournaments, and home to the upcoming World of Warcraft Arena global finals -- will take place November 17 and 18 in Shanghai, China.

12 years ago