Castle Nathria Raid Finder Wing 4 Now Live!

by Blizzard Entertainment

Cut down the traitorous Sire Denathrius and his court loyalists before their twisted plans unfold in an epic new raid—Castle Nathria.

Long has Sire Denathrius ruled the denizens of Revendreth as they harvested anima from prideful souls. But as drought and fear gripped the Shadowlands, Denathrius revealed his true loyalties. In defiance of his former Master, the noble Prince Renathal gathers his few remaining allies for a desperate mission to infiltrate Castle Nathria and remove Denathrius from power.

Raid bosses: 10
Difficulties: Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic, Mythic
Level: 60
Raid Finder Minimum Item Level: 170


December 9 – Normal and Heroic Difficulties
December 16 – Mythic and Raid Finder Wing 1 (Huntsman Altimor, Hungering Destroyer, Lady Inerva Darkvein)
January 6 – Raid Finder Wing 2 (Sun King’s Salvation, Artificer Xy’mox, The Council of Blood)
January 20 – Raid Finder Wing 3 (Shriekwing, Sludgefist, Stone Legion Generals)
February 3 – Raid Finder Wing 4 (Sire Denathrius)



Tasked with guarding Castle Nathria’s entry hall, the blind monster Shriekwing locates her victims with horrifying cries that reverberate off the chamber’s walls. The last sound heard by trespassers in the Grand Walk is the monster’s cry as she descends upon her prey.

Huntsman Altimor


Sire Denathrius seldom engages in hunts himself, but Altimor makes certain the master has the finest beasts should he ever choose to indulge. Margore, Barghast, and Hecutis has been trained longer than most beasts have existed, and each is ready to deliver the Huntsman’s wrath to any in his domain.

Sun King's Salvation


In the sinister confines of Castle Nathria, souls are being tortured not to redeem their sins, but to amplify them. The prideful Prince Kael’thas has been burdened with the sins of others, and his pain and hatred are channeled to make him a powerful weapon. This has imperiled his soul like no other, and it must be saved—if only to keep it from being unleashed upon the Shadowlands.

Sun King's Salvation


Not everyone in Castle Nathria is loyal to Sire Denathrius. Some simply saw an opportunity and exploited it to their own ends. Artificer Xy’mox has worked with Denathrius but is mostly concerned with getting the better end of the deal, which may require the end of Nathria’s invaders.

Hungering Destroyer


The devourers consume anima wherever they can find it. With drought afflicting the Shadowlands, it is no surprise that the hungriest and most dangerous of the devourers is drawn to the abundant store of anima here in the depths of Castle Nathria.

Lady Inerva Darkvein


Anima fuels the Shadowlands, and Lady Inerva Darkvein seeks to unlock its mysteries. Under Denathrius’s tutelage, she has learned insidious secrets to turn against his enemies. She will strip anima from Nathria’s invaders and use it to shape a dark new future.

The Council of Blood


The Council of Blood presides over courtly functions in Revendreth. Castellan Niklaus is a strict military commander with an indominatble will and impenetrable armor, Lord Stravros, a foppish dandy, leads the court in dance but is also deadly with his blades. Baroness Frieda wields powerful anima magics and commands the dredger wait staff—along with the respect of the entire court.



Slugdefist was born in the muddy foundation beneath Castle Nathria and now wanders the halls as he awaits orders from Sire Denathrius. His massive footsteps reverberate throughout the castle, announcing his arrival from several rooms away.

Stone Legion Generals


The ancient stoneborn generals, Kaal and Grashaal, have hounded the Prince Renathal’s rebellion at every turn. Once they were General Draven’s apprentice and mentor; now their strength, strategy, and soldiers have been unleashed against him and any who would defy the Sire’s will.

Sire Denathrius


For countless ages, Sire Denathrius stood among the Eternal Ones who rule the realms of Death. But in the Shadowlands’ darkest hour, he has betrayed his sacred duty. With his bloodthirsty living blade Remornia at his side and defended by his most sychophantic loyalists, Denathrius will cut a swath through any who stand against him and cast their remains into the inescapable terror of the Maw.

Castle Nathria Armor Sets
Normal difficulty raid set.

New Achievements

All Difficulties

  • Castle Nathria: Defeat the following bosses on any difficulty—Shriekwing, Huntsman Altimor, Sun King’s Salvation, Artificer Xy’mox, Hungering Destroyer, Lady Inerva Darkvein, The Council of Blood, Sludgefist, Stone Legion Generals, Sire Denathrius

Normal Difficulty and Higher

  • Blind as a Bat: Defeat Shriekwing after she kills six Sneaky Servitors in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Taking Care of Business: Defeat Huntsman Altimor after walking Margore, Bargast, and Hecutis to the corners of The Kennels in Castle Nathria on Nromal difficulty or higher.
  • Burning Bright: Redeem Kael’thas after lighting all four of the room’s braziers in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Private Stock: Defeat Artificer Xy’mox after returning loose Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Maw Anima to their display cases in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Feed the Beast: Defeat the Hungering Destroyer after draining all of the large anima canisters with Volatile Ejection in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • I Don’t Know What I Expected: Defeat Lady Inerva Darkvein after defeating the Dark Animus in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Pour Decision Making: Defeat the Council of Blood after throwing four bottles of wine in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Dirtflap’s Revenge: Defeat Sludgefist after he collides with pillars in Dirtflap’s preferred order in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Feed Me, Seymour!: Defeat the Stone Legion Generals while all players are carrying a Bouquet of Blooming Sanguine Roses in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.
  • Clear Conscience: Defeat Sire Denathrius after removing Burden of Sin from all players before March of the Penitent is cast in Castle Nathria on Normal difficulty or higher.

Castle Nathria Meta-Achievement

  • Glory of the Nathria Raider: Complete the Castle Nathria raid achievements listed—Blind as a Bat, Taking Care of Business, Burning Bright, Private Stock, Feed the Beast, I Don’t Know What I Expected, Pour Decision Making, Dirtflap’s Revenge, Feed Me, Seymour!, Clear Conscience

Reward—Mount Reward: Rampant Screecher

Heroic Difficulty and Higher

  • Ahead of the Curve: Sire Denathrius—Defeat Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria on Heroic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
  • Cutting Edge: Sire Denathrius—Defeat Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.

Title Reward: Sinbreaker

Mythic Difficulty

  • Mythic: Shriekwing—Defeat Shriekwing in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
  • Mythic: Huntsman Altimor—Defeat Huntsman Altimor in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty or higher, before the release of the next raid tier.
  • Mythic: Sun King’s Salvation—Defeat Sun King’s Salvation in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
  • Mythic: Artificer Xy’mox—Defeat Artificer Xy’mox in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
  • Mythic: Hungering Destroyer—Defeat the Hungering Destroyer in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
  • Mythic: Lady Inerva Darkvein—Defeat Lady Inerva Darkvein in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
  • Mythic: Council of Blood—Defeat The Council of Blood in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
  • Mythic: Sludgefist—Defeat Sludgefist in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
  • Mythic: Stone Legion Generals—Defeat the Stone Legion Generals in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.
  • Mythic: Sire Denathrius—Defeat Sire Denathrius in Castle Nathria on Mythic difficulty.