Hotfixes: June 10, 2019

by Blizzard Entertainment

Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Battle For Azeroth. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.


June 10, 2019


  • Resolved an issue that could cause Void Stone's absorption shield to be cleared prematurely.

June 7, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Crucible of Storms
    • The Restless Cabal
      • Fixed a bug that caused Enveloping Darkness to be cast on players who accepted a combat resurrection.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the confirmation prompt to appear when enchanting an item that already had an enchantment on it.

Player versus Player

  • Resolved an issue that caused Gladiator's Maledict and Void Stone’s absorption shields to periodically refresh to full value while in Arenas.


  • Players will now take less damage during their encounter with Thyrinar during "Through a Glass, Darkly”.

June 3, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Crucible of Storms
    • The Restless Cabal
      • The cast time of Witness the End has been increased by up to 3 seconds in smaller raid sizes in Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties (was 9 seconds in a 10-player raid, 6 seconds in a 30-player raid).
      • The health of Zaxasj, Fa'thuul, Visage from Beyond, and the Ocean Rune has been reduced by up to 10% in smaller raid sizes in Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties. Health will remain the same in 30-player raids.
    • Siege of Orgrimmar
      • Fixed a bug that caused the Fallen Protectors to be invincible.
    • Warlords of Draenor Timewalking
      • Fixed a bug that prevented players from collecting Timewarped Badges from the Deaths of Chromie Scenario.


  • Thundering Goliath World Quest should now always give credit.
  • Those who have embraced N’Zoth should find their Gift restored. N’Zoth does not forget those who have aided him.

May 24, 2019


  • Brother Pike has reviewed the ritual and will now properly remove the Gift of N'Zoth for Alliance players that complete “His Eye Upon You”.
  • Nailok has consulted Akunda and should now properly remove the Gift of N'Zoth for Horde players who complete “His Eye Upon You”.
  • Players who previously completed “His Eye Upon You” should properly be cleansed of their previous Old God corruption.

May 22, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Battle of Dazar'alor
    • Grong, the Revenant (Alliance) Grong, the Jungle Lord (Horde)
      • Increased the cast time of Death Empowerment (Alliance) and Apetagonize (Horde) to 5 seconds (was 4 seconds) on Mythic difficulty.
      • Reduced the health of Death Specters (Alliance) and Apetagonizers (Horde) by 20% on Mythic difficulty.
    • High Tinker Mekkatorque
      • Reduced the duration of Gigavolt Charge’s radiation zone to 2 minutes (was 3 minutes) on Mythic difficulty.
      • Increased the duration of Tampering to 30 seconds (was 25 seconds) on Mythic difficulty.
    • Lady Jaina Proudmoore
      • Jaina now kills all players instantly if the entire raid is frozen solid during an intermission phase.
        • Developers’ note: Previously, if an entire raid was frozen solid, all players would have to wait until they each died before they could restart the encounter. This change will help raids quickly reset and start the fight again.

May 21, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Crucible of Storms
    • The Restless Cabal
      • Fixed a bug that caused Relics of Power to threaten some non-boss enemies.

May 14, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Battle of Dazar'alor
    • Lady Jaina Proudmoore
      • The random Bombard locations in stage one are now less likely to light a Zandalari Ballista on fire when players are not nearby.
      • Chilling Touch now begins when Arcane Barrage is interrupted (previously was when Nathanos is freed).
      • Arcane Barrage duration reduced to 90 seconds in Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulty and to 60 seconds in Mythic difficulty (was 120 seconds in all difficulties).
      • Prismatic Images now spawn closer to Jaina (was centered on the middle of the area).
      • Icefall is timed to no longer coincide with full power Gathering Blizzard in Mythic difficulty.
      • Gathering Blizzard and Freezing Blood should now be more responsive in Mythic difficulty.
      • Jaina's health has been reduced by 5% in Mythic difficulty.
  • Crucible of Storms
    • The Restless Cabal
      • Void Crash and Crushing Doubt now prefer ranged targets.
      • Witness the End duration reduced to 7 seconds (was 9 seconds) in Mythic difficulty.
      • Zaxasj the Speaker and Fa’thuul the Feared health reduced by 5% in Mythic difficulty.
    • Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void
      • Void Crash now prefers ranged targets.
      • Insatiable Torment now prefers damage dealers.
      • Piercing Gaze of N'Zoth duration reduced to 4 seconds (was 5 seconds) in Mythic difficulty.
      • Undying Guardians health reduced by 17% in Mythic difficulty.
      • The number of players targeted with Unstable Resonance has been reduced to 12 per cast (was 18) and now prefers ranged targets on Mythic difficulty.
      • Uu’nat’s health reduced by 5% in Mythic difficulty.
        • Developers’ notes: Along with slightly reducing the overall difficulty of its encounters on Mythic difficulty, these changes are aimed at encouraging more diverse raid compositions, as well as making the encounters more accessible to guilds with melee-heavy rosters.


  • Bonus rolls that reward Artifact Power will now grant 2,000 gold to players who have maximized their Heart of Azeroth.

May 9, 2019

Player versus Player

  • Shaman
    • Resolved an issue that prevented Lava Burst from dealing damage to targets that were not in line of sight of the Shaman at the time of the spell's impact.


  • Gladiator's Maledict now immediately displays a new additional debuff on players targeted by the trinket's spell indicating when they will be struck by its damage and healing absorb effects.

May 6, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Crucible of Storms
    • The Restless Cabal
      • Reduced the health of Fa'thuul the Feared, Zaxasj the Speaker, Visage from Beyond, and Trident of Deep Ocean for groups in Raid Finder, Normal, and Heroic difficulties.
        • Developers’ note: We’ve changed the health scaling on some enemies in The Restless Cabal encounter. Now a 10-player raid should see a 15% reduction in health while a 30-player raid should see the affected enemies have about the same health as before.

May 3, 2019

Children’s Week

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing Children's Week achievements with the Kul Tiran or Zandalari orphans.
  • Players will now be able to complete the Home Alone achievement by using their Dalaran Hearthstone or Hearthstone replacement toys.

April 30, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Crucible of Storms
    • Uu'nat, Harbinger of the Void
      • Storm of Annihilation damage to players reduced by 20% on Mythic difficulty.
      • Insatiable Torment recast time increased to 45 seconds in Mythic difficulty (was 30 seconds).


  • Fixed an issue that prevented Void Stone from absorbing damage if the player was struck for more damage than the absorb amount.
  • Enemy players will now be able to see the damaging missile of Harbinger's Inscrutable Will.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the cooldown on Mindthief's Eldritch Clasp from triggering if the target was immune.

Player versus Player

  • Rogue
    • Subtlety
      • Shadowstrike no longer deals reduced damage in PvP (was a 10% reduction).
      • Eviscerate no longer deals reduced damage in PvP (was a 15% reduction).
      • Mastery: Executioner is now reduced by 20% in PvP (was 33%).

April 29, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Crucible of Storms
    • Uu’nat, Harbinger of the Void
      • Uu'nat no longer can cast Oblivion Tear immediately following Unstable Resonance in Mythic difficulty.
      • Adjusted the timing of Eyes of N'Zoth to be further spread out from Unstable Resonance in Mythic difficulty.
      • Unstable Resonance duration increased from 12 seconds to 15 seconds.


  • Heart of Azeroth
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Ancestral Resonance from extending the duration of some Bloodlust and Heroism effects.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed The Well-Worn Blindfold to drop from Darkmoon Game Prizes.
  • Fixed an issue that caused “Against Overwhelming Odds” to display the incorrect item level for some rewards.


  • Goblins are once again easily able to vanquish “Volcanoth!” with their Bootzooka on the Lost Isles.
  • "A Scarlet Letter" can now be completed by Zandalari trolls.

User Interface

  • The experience bar for Heart of Azeroth will now indicate when a player has reached maximum level.

April 25, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Crucible of Storms
    • The Restless Cabal
      • The damage from Power Overwhelming has increased to 1000% (was 300%).
      • Zaxasj the Speaker will now prioritize attacking players over pets.
    • Uu’nat, Harbinger of the Void
      • Oblivion Tear targeting now prioritizes ranged players.
      • Hunger for the End no longer heals the caster upon reaching a stack count of 10 or more in Mythic difficulty.
      • Unstable Resonance now checks for negative collisions after a very short delay instead of immediately upon being applied on Mythic difficulty.

April 23, 2019


  • Priest
    • Shadow
      • Auspicious Spirits damage reduced to 70% (was 100%).
    • Developers’ notes: The damage reduction to this talent is meant to curb the synergy of Insanity and Shadowy Apparition generation when combined with some Azerite traits, while still leaving it as a fun and interesting combo.


  • World Quest reward gear maximum item level has been increased to item level 370 (was ilvl 360).
  • Emissary rewards gear maximum item level has been increased to ilvl 395 (was ilvl 385).
  • Emissary rewards for Azerite Armor will now drop at a maximum of ilvl 400 (was ilvl 385).
  • The item level of gear rewards for “Against Overwhelming Odds" has been increased to item level 395 (was ilvl 385).
    • Developers’ notes: With the Raid Finder (and Mythic) difficulty for Crucible of Storms opening today, we have increased the maximum item level for certain World Quest and quest rewards to help players get raid-ready.
  • Harbinger's Inscrutable Will now always fires a silencing spear at the player's location, regardless of which direction they face.
  • Fathom Dredgers will now benefit from Versatility as intended.
  • Fathom Dredgers will now grant the correct amount of shield per mana spent.

Player versus Player

  • Abyssal Speaker Gauntlets’s shield absorption effect is reduced by 66% when engaged in combat with enemy players.
  • Trident of Deep Oceans’s shield absorption effect is reduced by 50% when engaged in combat with enemy players.

April 18, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Crucible of Storms
    • The Restless Cabal
      • Fixed a bug that prevented players from dispelling Promises of Power on Normal difficulty.
      • Fixed an issue where players were unable to leave the room after defeating The Restless Cabal.


  • The Phantom Pain cooldown from Mindthief's Eldritch Clasp no longer dislays by default in the user interface.


  • Lost Alpacas have returned to the deserts of Vol'dun for players to wrangle in “Alpacas Gone Wild” and “They Have Alpacas Here”.

April 17, 2019

Dungeons and Raids

  • Crucible of Storms
    • The Restless Cabal
      • Leggings of the Aberrant Tidesage no longer drop for Restoration Druids or Mistweaver Monks.
      • Fa'thuul's Floodguards and Grips of Forsaken Sanity no longer drop for Restoration Shamans.
    • Uu’nat, Harbinger of the Void
      • Legplates of Unbound Anguish no longer drop for Blood Death Knights, Holy and Protection Paladins, or Protection Warriors

Player versus Player

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the maximum score from being displayed in Arathi Blizzard.

April 16, 2019


  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • Fixed an issue that caused Stagger to mitigate more damage than intended from environmental sources.
  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • Fixed an issue that caused Holy Shield to mitigate more damage than intended from environmental sources.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Battle for Dazar'alor
    • Conclave of the Chosen
      • The radius of the area safe from Pa'ku's Wrath has been increased on Heroic difficulty.
      • The area of effect for Krag'wa's Wrath has been reduced.
      • The target visual for Krag'wa's Wrath has been adjusted so it is easier to see.
    • Stormwall Blockade
      • Tempting Sirens’s base health has been reduced on Normal and Heroic difficulties.
  • Blackwing Lair
    • Chromaggus will once again drop the following items: Claw of Chromaggus, Ashjre'thul, Crossbow of Smiting, Elementium Threaded Cloak, Primalist's Linked Waistguard, Taut Dragonhide Gloves, Shimmering Geta, and Girdle of the Fallen Crusader.
  • Dire Maul
    • Fixed a bug that prevented players from looting the Gordok Tribute chest in Dire Maul.
    • Mogul Razdunk
      • Drill Smash no longer hits pets or guardians and does not remove stacks of Configuration: Drill if any are within the area of impact.


  • Heart of Azeroth
    • Fixed an issue that caused Meticulous Scheming to trigger less frequently than intended.

Player versus Player

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the intended 50% reduction to Azerite Traits in PvP from being applied to Traits found on Engineering helms.
  • The effectiveness of Ward of Envelopment and Mirror of Entwined Fate in PvP has been reduced by 50% for player characters who are not in a healing specialization.
  • The effectiveness of Diamond-Laced Refracting Prism in PvP has been reduced by 50% for player characters who are not in a tank specialization.
    • Developers’ notes: The above trinkets are balanced for healers and tanks in PvP, and their current tuning slows down the pacing of Arena combat unacceptably when used by nonstandard roles. Reducing their effectiveness in PvP, for those roles only, will allow them to remain a formidable option.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from completing “No One Left Behind” if Rokhan did not spawn.

April 9, 2019

Raids and Dungeons

  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore
    • Howling Winds duration increased to 10 minutes (was 2 minutes) on all difficulties.
    • Gathering Blizzard's progress is now reset at the start of the second intermission on Mythic difficulty.
    • Ice Block health lowered by 25% on Mythic difficulty.
    • Shattering Lance charge up time increased to 9 seconds (was 8 seconds) on Mythic difficulty.
    • Jaina will now always teleport to a predictable location during the first intermission on Mythic difficulty.

April 5, 2019

Brawler's Guild

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing the "The Brawlpub Trial".


  • Fixed an issue that prevented "A Nose for Ptrouble" from being completed when Naga World Quests were active.
  • Warriors will once again be able to use the Dalaran Crater portal while completing the Arms Legion Artifact quest line to earn Strom’kar, the Warbreaker.
  • Fixed a bug that caused players to get stuck in the combat phase for "Turning the Tides"
  • Fixed an issue where Alliance players who had not yet completed certain story quests in Warfang Hold could not complete the faction assault world quest "Ale Intent".

Raids and Dungeons

  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore
    • Glacial Tidestorm will now only drop for players who have not acquired the mount previously (but it will remain tradeable).

April 2, 2019

Allied Races

  • Talanji's ascension to Queen during the Zandalari Allied Race unlock quest line will no longer prevent players from completing quests that use her previous Princess title.

Azerite Knowledge

  • The Azerite Knowledge system that periodically reduces the Artifact Power required to level up the Heart of Azeroth has been extended to April 23.

    Developers’ notes: This change should give more players the opportunity to attain Azerite traits on current gear and reach the current maximum artifact level of 50 before the major Heart of Azeroth system update coming in Rise of Azshara.

Brawler's Guild

  • Fixed an issue that prevented players that died during a Rumble from ranking up in their next solo fight and receiving the correct rewards.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed players under level 120 to queue for Brawler's Guild fights.


  • Players will once again be able to share their in-game adventures on Twitter.


  • The Honorable, Prestigious, Elite, Esteemed, and Glorious Pennant toy effects will now display properly on female human characters.
  • Silas' Stone of Transportation will once again allow Alliance players to go to Arom's Stand.

Player versus Player

  • Druid
    • Restoration
      • Resolved an issue that caused Revitalize to increase the duration of Rejuvenation more than intended.


  • Mages will once again be able to use the Karazhan portal while completing the quest line to earn the Frost Legion Artifact, Ebonchill.

Raids and Dungeons

  • Lady Jaina Proudmoore
    • Abilities that grant immunity (e.g. Mage’s Ice Block, Paladin’s Divine Shield, and Rogue’s Cloak of Shadows) will now clear stacks of Chilling Touch on Heroic, Normal, and Raid Finder difficulties in Battle for Dazar’alor.

March 27, 2019


  • Resolved an issue in Silvermoon that prevented some players from joining General, Trade, or Local Defense chat channels.


  • The Flight Master’s Whistle will no longer drop players off at unintended locations

Player versus Player

  • Death Knight
    • Fixed a bug that caused Necrotic Aura to dismount Worgen players from Running Wild if it hit an enemy.
    • Unholy
      • Fixed a bug that allowed Magus of the Dead to melee attack.
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Raise Abomination to prevent a Ghoul from attacking its target temporarily.
  • Druid
    • Restoration
      • Fixed a bug that caused Soul of the Forest to be consumed by Revitalize.

Raids and Dungeons

    • Completing The Motherlode!! on Mythic difficulty will once again grant credit for "Emissary of War".
      • UPDATE: It appears we're still having this issue and are working on a fix for it. We don't have an ETA just yet but will update our hotfix notes when it becomes live.

March 26, 2019

Allied Races

  • Regeneratin' no longer benefits from other effects that increase healing.


  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Consecration and Wake of Ashes’s global cooldowns to be reduced more than intended by haste.

Player versus Player

  • Players will now receive 50% more Conquest when participating in Rated Battlegrounds or Arenas until they have completed their 9th weekly “Conquest’s Reward”.
  • The Tiger's Peak arena has been temporarily closed for repairs and will be returned to the arena map pool in a future update.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from earning achievement Territorial Dominance.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented eligible players from receiving the achievement The 5-Cap Crew in Arathi Basin.


  • Fixed a bug that allowed players to use the Avatar of Kimbul to eliminate members of the opposing faction if they abandoned “Wrath of the Tiger”.

Raids and Dungeons

  • King Rastakhan
    • Fixed a bug that caused Death Rifts to disappear before the end of the encounter in Battle for Dazar’alor.
  • Garalon
    • Fixed a bug where players could be trapped like a bug after defeating the bug Garalon. It was bugging us.

March 21, 2019


  • The Dinner Impossible is now again possible to achieve in Arathi Basin.
Allied Races
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Kul Tiran characters from using the ferry system in Boralus if they skipped the Battle for Lordaeron scenario or used a Level 110 Character Boost.
Brawler’s Guild
  • Players who purchase a Rumble Card should now be automatically added to the queue for the upcoming rumble.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from receiving credit for "Solving the Mystery" after killing a mystery boss.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Mindbreaker Gzzaj from dealing damage to Alliance players when casting Mind Break.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from being awarded victory if a player defeated Ro-Shambo playing the Rock, Paper, Scissors game.
  • Paladin
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Light of the Protector’s global cooldown to be reduced more than intended by haste.
Player versus Player
  • Honor gained within Battle for Wintergrasp has been increased, putting it in line with other Epic Battlegrounds.
  • The Ivory Feather can be used once again in battlegrounds to gain Marks of Prey.
  • Players will no longer be trapped in the combat phase for "The Darnassus Mission".
  • Fixed a bug that caused spider NPCs to evade and prevent players from completing "The Council Has Spoken"

March 18, 2019

Player versus Player

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving credit toward the Arathi Basin All-Star achievement when assaulting or defending flags.


  • Tailoring
    • Fixed a bug that would cause Shade of Delormi to evade and prevent players from completing “If the Shoe Fits…” if a rogue Vanished.
    • Fixed a bug that prevented players who don’t yet know how to fly in the Broken Isles from returning to the quest location during "If the Shoe Fits...".


  • Fixed a bug that caused players’ screens to turn black during “Mac’Aree, Jewel of Argus”.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from completing “The Aeonian Artisan” if they had not unlocked Island Expeditions.

March 15, 2019

Allied Races

  • Regeneratin' is no longer interrupted by Stagger damage.
  • Fixed a bug that caused male Zandalari trolls to get stuck while walking up stairs.
  • Race or faction changing a Druid to Kul Tiran or Zandalari will no longer remove your Cenarion Circle reputation.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players who completed the Zandalari Troll unlock questline from accepting “Discreet Discussions.”
  • Fixed a bug that caused Zandalari Druids in Moonkin form to miniaturize their mounts if they shapeshifted into another form.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented players from turning in quests to Queen Talanji after completing the Zandalari unlock quest line.
  • Fixed an issue that caused boosted characters to be incorrectly phased when trying to complete “The Battle for Broken Shore.”

Brawler’s Guild

  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Penguin Stampede brawl from starting.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from receiving the Brawler title after earning the Brawler for Azeroth achievement.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented some players from being able to start the Brawler’s Guild trial if another player started the trial when they were in the same queue.
  • Rumbles will no longer be included in Random brawls. Too hard, no fun.


  • Rogue
  • Assassination
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Rogues to remain in stealth if they cast Fan of Knives but did not strike a target.
    • Fixed an issue that caused Fan of Knives to generate a combo point when no targets were hit by the ability.

Player versus Player

  • Fixed a bug that caused building health displayed to fluctuate randomly in Wintergrasp.
  • Arathi Basin wins will again count toward the Arathi Basin Veteran achievement.


  • The Horde and Alliance Gladiator Quartermasters have restocked their Saltwater Potions and Glider Kits supplies.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Bloodsoaked Skullforge Reaver heirloom to require a Battle-Hardened Heirloom Armor Casing to scale to level 120.
  • The Champion's Salute toy has returned from some much-needed rest and relaxation and is ready to impress onlookers once more.


  • Paxton has been given a leg up so players can complete “Getting a Leg Up”
  • Hungering Plaguehounds can be fed once again during "An Undead's Best Friend."
  • Players who became stuck after closing all the rifts on Seam Stress should be able to log out and back in to continue “Saving Nine”.
  • The “Calligraphy” Tortollan quest givers are now more understanding of your missteps. You do you, boo.