MDI Spring Finals Head Down Under

by Blizzard Entertainment

With the conclusion of the first full season of the Mythic Dungeon International (MDI) program, it’s time to throw some Mythic Keys on the barbie, as the top four teams from MDI East and the top four teams from MDI West travel Down Under to determine who will be the MDI Spring Champions!

What's New

We’re shaking things up a little bit for this tournament. To start with, all players are now allowed to swap to different characters after each dungeon with no restrictions on classes, races, or factions. As a result, Siege of Boralus has been added to the pool of dungeons; teams will choose which starting point to use based on their chosen faction.


Broadcast Day PDT CEST AEST
Day 1 Thursday, June 6, 11pm Friday, June 7, 8am Friday, June 7, 4pm
Day 2 Saturday, June 8, 1am Saturday, June 8, 10am Saturday, June 8, 6pm
Day 3 Sunday, June 9, 1am Sunday, June 9, 10am Saturday, June 9, 6pm

For the full schedule for all WoW esports in your time zone, check out the schedule page.

Language Streams

Mandarin (TW)

Meet the Teams

The following eight teams will be facing off in a double-elimination bracket. Each match will be a best-of-three except for the finals, which will be a best-of-five. Teams have been seeded bases on their point totals in their respective division.


* Battle For Champion are unable to attend due to a player's family emergency. They have been replaced with Australian team Fullscreened.

To stay up to date with the progress of both the upper and lower bracket throughout the tournament, bookmark the Raider.IO MDI Spring Finals bracket.

MDI West

Method EU

Mike “Gingi” Djebbara
Marc “Meeres” Endress
Jimmy “Fragnance” Landqvist
Robin “Naowh” Gabay
Kenn Øster “Zaelia” Rasmussen

Method NA

John “Jdotb” Daniel
Timothy “Nerf” Nguyen
Benjamin “Lightee” Cook
Sean “Shakib” Belanger
Orie “YoDa” Guo


José “Drjay” Curcio
Lari “Ashine” Strangberg
Thanh Lam “Swag” Nguyen
Rasmus “Divinefield” Anderson
Anastasios “Elserat” Rafaildiis

Forty K

Carl “Rentari” Koch
Kasper “Lophis” Island
Egecan “Lazel” Taylan
Jani “Igloo” Heinonen
Linus “Wolfdisco” Nygren

MDI East

Team D

Qi “Mogt” Li
Shengming “Yushang” Lou
Zengrong “Babypig” Lei
Bin “Abb” Xu
Qingwen “Long” Luo

Black Mamba

Xiaokang “blue” Zhang
Jiawei “hankss” Gao
Jinkun “wong” Wang
Haotian “Nvies” Zhang
Mingliang “Xinhesudz” Su


Guan Ru “Chingbb” Chen
Kang “Lota” Chou
Yung Yuan “Tomboyowo” Wei
Chia Chi “Morito” Chang
Jia Min “Lazarus” Xu


Zachary "Rulo" Chiu
Nathan "Coxy" Cox
Petar "Slaughar" Dosev
Joseph "Spider" Cooper
Daniel "Kegro" Goodall

Map Pool

Atal'Dazar Tyrannical Raging Grievous
The Underrot Fortified Bolstering Quaking
Kings' Rest Tyrannical Sanguine Volcanic
Shrine of the Storm Fortified Bursting Volcanic
Freehold Fortified Bursting Sanguine
Tol Dagor Fortified Teeming Explosive
THE MOTHERLODE Tyrannical Raging Necrotic
Waycrest Manor Tyrannical Teeming Explosive
Siege of Boralus Tyrannical Skittish Necrotic

Broadcast Team

MDI 2019 Talent line up.pngWe’ll be bringing you coverage live from Sydney both on the World of Warcraft Twitter account and here on the World of Warcraft esports hub. We’ll see you in Twitch chat!