Save Big on Character Boosts, Pets, Mounts, and More During Our Holiday Sale

Holiday Sale
by Blizzard Entertainment

Whether you’re shopping for a holiday gift for yourself or your friends, WoW’s got your back!

Save Up to 65% on Pawsome Pals

This time-limited* Woof Pack bundle contains Azeroth’s most loyal and cunning companions—two mounts and two pets—at a discount worth howling about! Chase after your dreams saddled up on the Vulpine Familiar or Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel. Bring joy to friends and passersby with the wily Shadow and the supportive Alterac Brew Pup. If you already own one or more items from the Woof Pack, its price will automatically adjust.

What’s Inside

Two Clever Companions
Unleash these two ruff and tumble companions into your collection. Alterac Brew Pup and Shadow will heel by your side during your travels and tug at your heartstrings with their playful antics!

Two Thrill-Seeking Mounts
With a nose for adventure, the Vulpine Familiar and Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel will sniff out every hidden nook and cranny in Azeroth and beyond.

33% off Shadowlands-Level Character Boost

There comes a time in every hero’s quest when they need a helping hand to get them over the hump and right back into the action. With the Shadowlands-Level Character Boost**, you can instantly grant one character a one-time boost to level 50, so they’re ready to begin their journey into the newest chapter of the World of Warcraft story. Bring your hero up to speed and get ready for your next thrilling adventure!

50% Off on Select Pets, Mounts, and Toys

Select World of Warcraft mounts, pets, and toys*** are now on sale for 50% off through January 4, 2020. You can adopt or gift a pet, mount, or toy in the in-game shop or in the Blizzard Shop today!


Squeakers, the Trickster | WoW 15th Anniversary Alabaster Mounts | Sylverian Dreamer | Vulpine Familiar | Imperial Quilen | Celestial Steed | Heart of the Aspects | Winged Guardian | Enchanted Fey Dragon | Iron Skyreaver | Luminous Starseeker | Mystic Runesaber | Shu-zen, the Divine Sentinel | Hogrus, Swine of Good Fortune | The Dreadwake | Warforged Nightmare


Dottie | Lucky Quilen Cub | Pandaren Monk | Lil’ K.T. | Lil’ Ragnaros | Soul of the Aspects | Cinder Kitten | Blossoming Ancient | Alterac Brew Pup | Argi | Brightpaw | Twilight | Mischief | Shadow | Cap’n Crackers | Whomper


Lion’s Pride and Horde’s Might Fireworks | Transmorpher Beacon

50% off Digital Deluxe Bundles

The Digital Deluxe items will enhance your adventures with epic in-game items and special goodies for your favorite Blizzard games.

Battle for Azeroth Digital Deluxe Items | Legion Digital Deluxe Items | Warlords of Draenor Digital Deluxe Items

Learn more about these pets, mounts, and toys in the Blizzard Shop or in-game shop.

*Offer valid through January 4, 2020.
**Character Boost not available in World of Warcraft® Classic.
***Pets, mounts, and toys not available in World of Warcraft® Classic.