Hotfixes: February 15, 2022

by Blizzard Entertainment

Here you'll find a list of hotfixes that address various issues related to World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, Burning Crusade Classic and WoW Classic. Some of the hotfixes below take effect the moment they were implemented, while others may require scheduled realm restarts to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch update. This list will be updated as additional hotfixes are applied.


February 15, 2022


  • The Apexis Relic color matching minigame in Blade's Edge Mountains should once again work properly.

Season of Mastery

  • The Adventure Awaits aura benefitting all Season of Mastery players below level 60 now also grants +100% bonus gold from quest rewards.
    • Developers' note: This does not apply to repeatable quests, nor does it apply to level 60 players, as they don't have the aura. This is intended to match the recent increase to +100% XP granted by the aura, so that leveling players do not feel unable to purchase their most important spells.

February 11, 2022

Season of Mastery

  • Blackwing Lair
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the portcullis at the entrance of Blackwing Lair from closing and opening properly when bosses enter and leave combat.
      • Developers' note: It's possible that players may still experience this, and if the gate is currently stuck closed for you, it should clear up if all members of your raid group leave the instance for at least 30 minutes.

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • Warlock
    • Fixed an issue with the "What Is Love?" questline.

February 10, 2022

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • Fixed an issue where Orc Warlocks were unable to speak to Magar during the "Love Hurts" quest.

February 8, 2022

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Fixed an issue that caused Mother Shahraz in Black Temple and Al’ar in Tempest Keep: The Eye to swing faster after performing a parry.
    • Developers' note: This behavior was not true to reference, and they should now behave after parrying as they did in original Burning Crusade.

January 31, 2022

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Black Temple
    • [With realm restarts] Fixed an issue where Illidan Stormrage would cast certain abilities, such as Enrage, too early in his fight.
  • Fixed an animation error with Dragonmaw Skybreaker during the quest "The Deadliest Trap Ever Laid."

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • Blackrock Depths
    • Fixed an issue that prevented players from looting the Arena Spoils due to Elder Morndeep's radiant presence.

January 28, 2022


  • Shaman
    • Enhancement
      • Fixed several issues with the bonus Chain Lightning from Ride the Lightning (PvP Talent):
        • Chain Lightning now has its damage properly increased by Mastery, its bounce distance has been correctly increased to 10 yards, and it deals 27% more damage. Being silenced will no longer prevent this Chain Lightning from happening.
        • The Ride the Lightning bonus Chain Lightning no longer incorrectly increases damage dealt for each additional target it hits, and no longer benefits from abilities that affect Chain Lightning such as Maelstrom Weapon or Stormkeeper.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Fixed an issue where Guild Bank logs were not visible.

January 27, 2022

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Player versus Player
    • PvP faction items now have an Honored reputation requirement (from Revered).
    • The battleground mark costs for Season 1 gear have been removed.
    • The battleground mark costs on Vindicator items have been reduced by half.
    • The amount of bonus honor rewarded from the marks-to-honor repeatable quest has been increased.
    • The Call to Arms daily quest now provides 3 battleground marks and the bonus honor reward has been increased.
    • The Halaa and Terokkar PvP daily’s bonus honor reward has been significantly increased.
    • The Hellfire Fortification PvP daily now provides a bonus honor reward.
    • Tier 4 and 5 tokens can now be exchanged for season 1 and 2 gear at tier vendors.

January 26, 2022

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Serpentshrine Cavern
    • Enemies during the Hydross the Unstable and Leotheras the Blind encounters should no longer occasionally become stuck in the environment.

January 21, 2022

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Warlock
    • The Black Book and Felheart tier set now empowers the Incubus.

January 12, 2022

Burning Crusade Classic

  • After their extended vacations, Fiora Longears has returned to the docks of Auberdine and Ambassador Dawnsinger has returned to her post in Grommash Hold.

January 5, 2022

Player versus Player

  • Rogue
    • Outlaw
      • Fixed an issue that allowed Slice and Dice to trigger the effect of Take Your Cut (PvP Talent).

January 4, 2022

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Clockwork Rocket Bot deaths no longer activate talents such as Spirit Tap or Rapid Killing.

January 3, 2022

Darkmoon Faire

  • Due to a bug, the Darkmoon Faire will now begin this upcoming weekend.

December 17, 2021

Creatures and NPCs

  • Baine Bloodhoof can once again be found in Thunder Bluff.

The Feast of Winter Veil

  • Fixed an issue that prevented snowballs from being thrown at Baine Bloodhoof.

December 16, 2021

Items and Rewards

  • Au'Dara in Oribos now sells the Incense of Infinity for 500 gold. Use the Incense at your Forge of Bonds to learn all conduits and increase the item level of all conduits in your collection up to 200. This item is bound to account, and can be purchased once you have obtained Renown 80 on any character. Note: Your character must be level 60 to use the Incense, as the Conduit system is not available until then.

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • On Season of Mastery realms, the Unseen spirits in Duskwood will now reveal themselves when someone is brave enough to disturb them.

December 15, 2021

Dungeons and Raids

  • Timewalking
    • Mage Tower
      • The Highlord's Return
        • Blood Death Knight, Vengeance Demon Hunter, and Guardian Druid
          • Nether Storm no longer recasts immediately after being silenced or interrupted.
        • Guardian Druid
          • Reduced the size of Inquisitor Variss' Aura of Decay by 0.5 yards.
      • Thwarting the Twins
        • Fixed an issue where players could get out of range of Raest Magespear's spells. Raest Magespear's damage bonus when Karam Magespear is defeated first has been reduced to compensate for the change.
        • Fixed an issue that caused enemies summoned during the encounter to despawn prematurely.

Player versus Player

  • Fixed an issue that caused Spoils of War (increased Honor and Conquest gain) to be removed from the player on death.

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • Hallowed Brazier can once again be purchased on Classic Era realms.

December 14, 2021

Dungeons and Raids

  • Timewalking
    • Legion Timewalking (including the weekly quest, dungeon queue, Mythic+, and Mage Tower components) will now run for two additional weeks, ending on January 4th (in NA).
  • Halls of Atonement
    • Halkias
      • Player immunities should no longer make the player susceptible to Sinlight Visions.

Player versus Player

  • Spoils of War now increases Honor gains by 40%, in addition to increasing Conquest gains by 25%.
    • Developers’ note: Honor gains lagged behind Conquest gear acquisition after enabling Spoils of War. This change matches the 25% gain in Conquest, with a little extra to give players just starting out easier access to gear late in the season.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Fixed an issue where players would be saved to Tempest Keep before defeating any bosses.
  • Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern are now in their post-nerf state (Original Burning Crusade version 2.4.3).
    • Attunements are no longer required to gain entry into Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern.
    • Lady Vashj's bridge console in Serpentshrine Cavern can now be activated without having to defeat any other bosses.
    • The doorway to Keal’thas Sunstrider’s room is now immediately open without needing to defeat other bosses.

December 13, 2021

Dungeons and Raids

  • Timewalking
    • Mage Tower
      • Guardian Druid
        • The change made to the Nether Horror's ability to cast while moving has been reverted.
          • Developers’ note: When we were looking into Guardian Druid difficulty we thought that by making the Nether Horrors stop to cast their spell we'd make it a little easier by creating some more time to react to them; but it turns out we were wrong and we made it harder. So, we're reverting that change to back to the way it was (which is once again identical to the way it was in Legion).
      • Holy Priest
        • Corrupted Risen Soldier damage reduced by 30%.
    • Timeworn Mythic+
      • Eye of Azshara
        • Players can now interrupt Binder Ashioi's Magic Binding spell.
      • Vault of the Wardens
        • Tirathon Saltheril
          • Darkstrikes damage reduced by 25%.

Items and Rewards

  • [With realm restarts] Various trinkets from Legion dungeons now split their damage between all enemies struck, and deal increased damage for each enemy struck, up to 5 enemies. Additionally, their damage has also been increased. Tooltips will be updated in a future patch to reflect the new functionality.
    • The following trinkets damage increased by 50%:
      • Windscar Whetstone
      • Giant Ornamental Pearl
      • Corrupted Starlight
      • Caged Horror
    • The following trinket's damage increased by 500%:
      • Mark of Dargrul
  • [With realm restarts] Gems found in Burning Crusade Heroic dungeons now scale properly with character level.
  • [With realm restarts] Fixed a scaling issue with several Legacy weapon modifications (sharpening stones, weightstones, and enchantments such as Major Striking) that added flat damage to weapons, causing these modifications to be much more powerful than intended.

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • Thrash Blade, Carrot on a Stick, and Rune of the Guard Captain are now Unique-Equipped items.
    • Developers’ note: The ability for players to get another copy of Trash Blade, Carrot on a Stick, or Rune of the Guard Captain was meant to exist only as a means to restore a lost or deleted iconic quest reward without contacting Customer Support. Equipping two copies of the item was unintentional.
      If you had two copies of these items equipped, the second copy should be pushed into your inventory. If you happen to have a full inventory at the time of this change and the item is missing, if you free up an inventory slot and log in and out of the game then the missing item will reappear in the open slot.

December 10, 2021


  • Warlock
    • Demonology
      • Fixed an issue where Shard of Annihilation (Runecarving Power) was also affecting Shadow Bolt critical strike chance and damage.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Timewalking
    • Mage Tower
      • End of the Risen Threat Encounter
        • Corrupted Risen Mages now wait 1 to 2 seconds before they can start casting Arcane Blitz.
        • Arcane Blitz damage bonus is now 40% per stack (was 50%).
        • Arcane Blitz cast time now increased by 0.5 seconds and increases by another 0.5 seconds for each bonus damage stack on the caster. The duration of the damage buff has been increased by 1 second to compensate.
        • Arcane Blitz has a new visual state effect added to make it even "louder."
      • Xylem Encounter
        • Comet Storm now waits 3 seconds before damaging players (was 2 seconds).
      • Blood Death Knight
        • Kruul health reduced by 10%.
      • Frost Death Knight
        • Archmage Xylem’s Corrupting Shadows health reduced by 3%.
        • Archmage Xylem’s Razor Ice health reduced by 10%.
      • Havoc Demon Hunter
        • Archmage Xylem’s Arcane Barrage and Frostbolt damage reduced by 5%.
        • Archmage Xylem’s Comet Storm damage reduced by 14%.
      • Guardian Druid
        • Kruul health reduced by 10%.
        • Nether Horror health reduced by 10%.
        • Nether Horror’s Nether Storm now has movement and melee combat interrupts.
      • Protection Paladin
        • Kruul health reduced by 10%.
        • Tormenting Eye health reduced by 10%.
        • Smoldering Infernals now cast Smash every 6 seconds (was 5 seconds).
      • Holy Priest
        • Corrupted Risen Mage’s health reduced by 10%.
        • Corrupted Risen Soldier’s Knife Dance damage reduced by 10%.
      • Restoration Shaman
        • Corrupted Risen Soldier damage reduced by 10%.
        • Corrupted Risen Soldier’s Knife Dance damage reduced by 10%.
        • Corrupted Risen Mage’s damage reduced by 10%.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue causing the Soaring Spelltome mount to be removed from accounts on login. For those affected, the mount will be restored when logging in after being logged off for several hours.

December 9, 2021

Dungeons and Raids

  • Timewalking
    • Mage Tower
      • The Legionfall Commander buff is no longer incorrectly applied inside the tower.
      • Fixed a bug that caused the Endless Tincture of Renewed Combat trinket to provide significantly more healing than intended, when defeating multiple enemies.
        • Developers’ note: While we want to be as permissive as possible with gear choices in the Mage Tower challenge, this trinket was too powerful to leave unadjusted.
      • Fixed a scaling bug with the Crusader weapon enchantment, it should now scale like other similar enchantments.
      • Fixed an issue where Karam Magespear could fail to summon Hands from Beyond during the Thwarting the Twins encounter.

December 8, 2021

Dungeons and Raids

  • Timewalking
    • Mage Tower
      • Death and Decay will no longer grant the Death's Due on-hit effects for Night Fae Death Knights.
      • Fixed an issue that allowed Survival Hunters to trivialize the Xylem encounter.
  • Mythic+ Affixes
    • Infernal (Timeworn Mythic+)
      • Players can now have more than one instance of Infernal Core active.

Items and Rewards

  • Legion equipment sold during Timewalking no longer requires level 60 to purchase.

December 6, 2021

Items and Rewards

  • The Harsh Tutelage buff from Jaithys, the Prison Blade now extends its own duration if it triggers again at the same power level while it's already active, up to a maximum duration of 9 seconds.

Player versus Player

  • Paladin
    • Protection
      • [With realm restarts] Word of Glory's additional healing on friendly targets provided by Hand of the Protector (Talent) has been reduced by 80% when engaged in PvP combat.

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • Fixed an issue where the Gnomish Death Ray trinket was not firing a giant death ray.
  • Molten Core
    • Magmadar
      • Fixed an issue where Lava Bombs and Core Hounds weren't despawning properly when the encounter resets or is completed.

December 3, 2021


  • Druid
    • Thorns (PvP Talent) will now properly deal damage and slow attackers movement speed when cast on an ally.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sanctum of Domination
    • Fixed an issue where the Eye of the Jailer encounter user interface could persist when using the skip to the Kel’Thuzad and Sylvanas Windrunner encounters.

Items and Rewards

  • Fixed an issue which caused Shard of Tel to often fail to find a friendly target to apply its shield to if it was triggered by a damaging ability.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Player versus Player
    • Greater and Lesser Rune of Warding no longer activate in the arena if applied before entering.

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • Dungeons and Raids
    • Sunken Temple
      • Non-boss elite enemies now gain Soulflayer's Fervor over time, granting Snare Immunity, Root Immunity, and Increased Movement Speed. Crowd control abilities like stuns, fears, shackles, polymorphs etc. will reset Soulflayer's Fervor.

December 1, 2021


  • Priest
    • Fixed an issue where Pallid Command (Runecarving Power) would not trigger on hit and was instead triggering on cast.
    • Shadow
      • Fixed an issue where two Rattling Mages summoned from Pallid Command (Runecarving Power) could spawn unintentionally.
      • Fixed an issue where canceling the Pallid Command aura would not despawn the Rattling Mage.

November 30, 2021


  • Mage
    • Fixed an issue that prevented Barrier absorb effects from being reduced to their intended values while using Triune Ward (Runecarving Power) in PvP combat. Absorb values should now appropriately match the current tooltip value of 35% effectiveness.
  • Warrior
    • Shattering Throw will no longer deal extra damage beyond the absorb shield when breaking large absorbs.

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • Niby the Almighty now properly teaches the Inferno spell to Warlocks.

November 19, 2021

17th Anniversary Event

  • The reward tooltip for “Korrak's Revenge” now says completed after completing the quest.
  • Banners for the Vulpera and Mechagnomes have been added to the entryway.


  • [With realm restarts] Renamed Explorer of the Shadowlands to Shadowlands Voyager to reflect the investment required.
  • [With realm restarts] Added a new Shadowlands Explorer achievement to mirror prior expansion exploration achievements


  • Sanctums
    • Anima Conductor
      • Enhancements from the Anima Conductor should no longer re-cast themselves repeatedly in some cases.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Serpentshrine Cavern
    • The Lurker Below
      • The Lurker Below will now drop the correct personal loot.

Items and Rewards

  • [With realm restarts] Scouting Map: Into the Shadowlands now requires the new Shadowlands Explorer achievement to purchase.
    • Developers’ note: This is so that the Heirloom flight maps added in 9.1.5 have consistent requirements with the Heirloom flight maps from other expansions.
  • Fixed an issue where the shells of the Baby Murloc Satch-Shells would not hide in combat.

Korthia and the Maw

  • Removed the requirement of completing “Beginning the Collection” in order to accept or complete Archivist relic quests in Korthia.

Pet Battles

  • Timeless Mechanical Dragonling's Time Bomb attack is now functional.

WoW Classic Era and Season of Mastery

  • Fixed an issue where the option to leave a battleground queue was unavailable.
  • Several helmets such as Expert Goldminer's Helmet and Netherwind Crown will once again properly display.
  • [With realm restarts] Fixed an issue where quests below your level had a greater penalty to reputation gain than intended.
  • [With realm restarts] The in-game clock text should no longer be misaligned at certain resolutions.
  • [With realm restarts] Fixed an issue where the World Map button on the minimap would overlap with the Tracking spell indicator.

November 16, 2021

17th Anniversary Event

  • Doomwalker now has a 100% chance to drop the Doomwalker Trophy Stand toy and the Illidari Doomhawk mount.
  • The Time-Displaced versions of Jorek Ironside and Thanthaldis Snowgleam have now spawned in the Alterac Mountains near the entrances to Alterac Valley to offer the Korrak’s Revenge Timewalking gear outside of the battleground.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing the one time quest rewards from Korrak's Revenge to be lower item level.


  • The missing Necklace customization feature has been added for Highmountain Tauren females. Head to the Barbershop or create a new character to access the option.


  • Rogue
    • Fixed an issue where Deathly Shadows (Runecarving Power) remained active after removing the legendary.
    • Fixed an issue where Invigorating Shadowdust (Runecarving Power) lowered the cooldown of Dreadblades more than intended.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Eye of Azshara
    • Serpentrix
      • Toxic Puddle can no longer become permanently stuck on players.


  • Enchanting
    • Damage from the Eternal Skirmish effect can no longer be reflected.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Anima Powers
    • Monk
      • Fixed a tooltip issue with Unfiltered Bone Broth not displaying the correct damage of Bonedust Brew (Necrolord Ability) and the chance to trigger its effect.

WoW Classic

  • Alliance Rogue trainers will now teach the Poisons ability if you failed to receive it from completing “Klaven's Tower.”

November 15, 2021


  • Creating a class trial character on an account without the Shadowlands expansion will now correctly place the character on the tutorial airship.


  • Hunter
    • Fixed an issue where Death Chakram (Necrolord Ability) was not generating Focus or increasing damage per bounce.
    • Survival
      • Muzzle no longer requires a melee weapon to be used.
  • Warlock
    • Affliction
      • Fixed an issue that allowed Vile Taint (Talent) to slow enemies that are immune to slow effects.


  • Soulbinds
    • Fixed an issue where Fatal Flaw (Nadjia the Mistblade) was not appropriately granting Critical Strike.

Items and Rewards

  • Korthian Accessory will now contain trinkets more often.

Korthia and the Maw

  • The Tormentors of Torghast bosses Algel the Haunter, Sentinel Shakorzeth, and Zul'gath the Flayer can now appear when the forces of Mort'regar assault the Tremaculum.


  • The Weathered Supply Crate for the quest “Light Camera Action” no longer has a level requirement to open.
  • Removed the level requirement on collecting Pet Supplies for "The Coast is Clear."
  • Fixed an issue where Horde players were unable to reliably skip “The Battle for Broken Shore.”

November 11, 2021


  • Monk
    • Brewmaster
      • Special Delivery (Talent) will no longer target crowd-controlled enemies.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sanctum of Domination
    • Sylvanas Windrunner
      • Fixed an issue where Sylvanas could leap to an invalid location during the cast of Domination Chains.

Items and Rewards

  • The Encyclopedia of Sinstone Fragment Recovery bind-on-account item now only requires Exalted with The Avowed to purchase it, but it can be used on alternate characters at lower reputation levels.
  • Fixed an issue with the sound effect of Shard of Zed’s Unholy Aura.
  • Fixed an issue where some items were no longer upgradeable after upgrading once.

November 10, 2021

Items and Rewards

  • Rated PvP items acquired from the Great Vault will now properly have a chance to generate random minor attributes or sockets. In addition, Rated PvP items that were previously acquired from the Great Vault in 9.1.5 are now eligible targets for items that add sockets.
    • Developers’ note: While fixing the first issue, we uncovered and fixed an additional bug that caused affected 9.1.5 items to be unable to be upgraded.


  • Fixed an issue previously preventing players from donating to the construction table in Broken Shore.

Threads of Fate

  • Fixed an issue preventing Renown from being rewarded in Shadowlands dungeons for players leveling up who have already chosen a Covenant through Threads of Fate.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Fixed an issue where players wouldn't get taken to the Twin Spire Ruins graveyard in Zangarmarsh if they had taken control of it before entering a Coilfang Reservoir dungeon.

November 9, 2021


  • Druid
    • Fixed an issue where Flight Form would unexpectedly change to ground Travel Form upon logging into a Shadowlands zone.


  • Command Table
    • The Adventure "Locating the Traitor's Cache" will now become available in the player's new covenant if they change covenants before the mission is completed. Players that are currently stuck can reset its availability by changing covenants again.
  • Soulbinds
    • Kevin's Oozeling (Plague Deviser Marileth) is now classified as a minor enemy.

Dungeons and Raids

  • Sanctum of Domination
    • Sylvanas Windrunner
      • Fixed an issue that could cause Veil of Darkness to persist on players after encounter completion.
      • Fixed an issue where Crushing Dread would remain even when the caster was no longer present.
      • Fixed a rare issue which could cause Sylvanas to cast Wailing Arrow after casting Raze before returning to the fight arena.
  • Mythic+
    • Fixed an issue where completed dungeons that failed to meet the timer were not counting towards the Mythic+ Rating “Runs this Season.”
  • Operation: Mechagon
    • Fixed an issue which caused more punchcards than intended to drop in Legacy Loot.
    • King Mechagon
      • Fixed an issue where more than one mount was dropping on Hard Mode regardless of Legacy Loot status.
  • Return to Karazhan
    • Image of Medivh no longer dies to Image of Arcanagos, preventing Nightbane from being summoned.

Items and Rewards

  • Cloaks on Undead characters with the Fresh skin type are once again no longer tattered.
  • Fixed an issue where an outfit with a wand and off-hand could not be saved.
  • Rae'shalare, Death's Whisper no longer shows that it can be upgraded in the Upgrade Item UI.
  • Riftbound Cache in Gromit Hollow should no longer be stuck under the terrain.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Warlords of Draenor heirloom trinkets from scaling correctly at their second upgrade step.

Threads of Fate

  • Fixed an issue where Threads of Fate World Quests were not appearing on the World Map for characters under level 50.

User Interface and Accessibility

  • Fixed an issue where the Summon Favorite Mount button would sometimes not work.
  • Fixed an issue where some icons on the minimap would appear incorrectly while in spirit form.
  • Fixed an issue where the unread mail icon on the character select screen and on the minimap would appear before purchased Auction House items were sent to the mailbox.
  • Fixed an issue where the Colorblind Mode filters were not working as intended on newer graphics cards on DirectX12.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • The Botanica, The Mechanar, and Arcatraz dungeons now require Expert Riding skill to enter.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple spectators could not join the queue for a Spectator Match War Game.
  • Fixed an issue where Poison Cleansing Totems from Horde Shaman would dispel 2 stacks of poison instantly when used, instead of the intended 1 stack.
  • Fixed an issue where a player that was attacked by a Rogue that immediately vanished after would sometimes drop out of combat much quicker than intended.

WoW Classic

  • Fixed an issue where the Colorblind Mode filters were not working as intended on newer graphics cards on DirectX12.
  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused the appearance of a belt to be removed when a Guild Tabard is removed.

November 5, 2021

Dungeons and Raids

  • Tomb of Sargeras
    • Fixed an issue that would prevent progress to Kil'Jaeden after defeating Fallen Avatar too quickly.

Items and Rewards

  • Several Shadowlands on-use trinkets with cooldowns greater than 2 minutes have been updated to have their cooldowns reset when a raid boss encounter ends.
  • Traveler's Anima Cache can no longer be consumed by players who have not yet selected a Covenant causing the anima to be sent into the ether.


  • The level requirement to skip the Maw introduction is now 50 (was 48).
    • Developers’ note: We made this change to the level requirement because characters who skipped the Maw introduction at level 48 would end up being a level behind the Bastion introduction quest level requirements, thus leaving them in an awkward state of where to go next.

November 4, 2021


  • The following abilities have been updated to have their cooldowns reset when a raid boss encounter ends:
    • Blessing of Sacrifice (Paladin)
    • Die by the Sword (Arms Warrior)
    • Enraged Regeneration (Fury Warrior)
  • The following Covenant abilities have been updated to have their cooldowns reset when a raid boss encounter ends:
    • Fleshcraft (Necrolord)
    • Convoke the Spirits (Night Fae)
  • Several Racial abilities with cooldowns greater than 2 minutes have been updated to have their cooldowns reset when a raid boss encounter ends.
  • Rogue
    • Subtlety
      • Fixed an issue where Shadow Blades would continue to attack the enemy after the Rogue was under crowd-control effects.

Items and Rewards

  • Queen's Conservatory catalysts now stack to 200 (was 20).
  • The Forgotten Feather in Korthia can once again be looted.
  • Fixed an issue where the Gateway Control Shard could be used while under certain effects such as stun and wouldn’t break characters out of stealth.

Player versus Player

  • Monk
    • Windwalker
      • Fixed an issue that caused Wind Waker's (PvP Talent) radius to be larger than intended, and also cleared movement impairing effects off of the Monk prior to having two stacks.


  • Inscription
    • The Mark of the Midnight Runestag recipe no longer requires Revered with the Wild Hunt to learn.


  • “Observing Victory” now displays its turn-in location on the Oribos map.
  • Underbelly Lowlifes during the quest “Secrets of the Underbelly” now deal the appropriate amount of damage.

Torghast, Tower of the Damned

  • Power Infusion, Time Warp, Mystic Touch, and Demonic Gateway anima powers are no longer offered to characters that haven’t learned these abilities yet.
  • Long Tail Dynarats obtained from Chaotic Concoctions now deal the appropriate amount of damage as indicated by its tooltip and only one can be used on a target.
  • Fixed an issue where players with slower connections may miss out on the first floor Anima Cell. Cross realm players were more likely to notice this issue.

WoW Companion App

  • Fixed an issue preventing Android 12 users from installing the app.

November 3, 2021


  • Paladin
    • Retribution
      • Fixed an issue with Divine Storm not hitting all nearby enemies if your primary target is affected with Judgment.

Creatures and NPCs

  • Fixed an issue that was causing Observer Yorik to respawn too quickly.

Items and Rewards

  • Temporarily removed the Conquest and Valor cap until the next season begins.
    • Developers’ note: Early in a season, it’s beneficial to pace gear acquisition by adding a maximum amount of Conquest and Valor that can be earned weekly to prevent having a dominant advantage by playing an excessive amount of hours in PvP and Mythic+. As the weeks go by and the cap increases, we reach a point where there’s no longer a dominant advantage in gear acquisition with grinding Conquest and Valor and it’s friendlier to simply remove the cap entirely for those who are catching up or gearing alts until the next season begins. We’ve reached that point and have removed the Conquest and Valor caps for the rest of Season 2. When the next season begins, all Conquest and Valor will be converted into gold and sent to the character’s mail.

Player versus Player

  • Paladin
    • Righteous Might (Necrolord Conduit) damage and healing reduced by 50% in PvP combat.
      • Developers’ note: We initially tuned the Righteous Might conduit for Necrolord Paladins with both PvE and Retribution Paladins in mind, but due to a combination of synergies and Protection-specific multipliers, Protection Paladins were able to near-double the effect of an already-buffed Conduit to create a deadly round-start burst outlier in PvP matches. We're cutting down its effectiveness in PvP while we keep an eye on the conduit's impact in PvE to see if follow-up tuning is necessary over the coming days.


  • Players who skipped the Maw intro while in a Timewalking Campaign should no longer be sent back to Stormwind or Orgrimmar when they reach level 50.
  • Covenant Campaigns blocked behind the Callings tutorial quest should now be properly flagged to proceed the next time they visit Oribos or their Sanctum Hall.
  • Fixed an issue where some characters who switched to the Necrolord covenant would not be able to see Emeni during the quest, “Never Had a Friend Like Me.”

User Interface and Accessibility

  • Fixed an issue that caused Mythic+ Rating to display incorrectly in Group Finder.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltips for some Adventures companions were displaying with a gray background.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • You can now report players from the /who menu.
  • Fixed an issue where an extra confirmation pop-up would appear when entering a War Game.
  • Fixed an issue where keybinds were not correctly loading for the War Game Commentator User Interface.

November 2, 2021

Items and Rewards

  • The Unchained Equipment Chest does not provide PvP items that include sockets or tertiary stats.
    • Developers' note: This was an oversight in how the item was set up on the 9.1.5 PTR. We don't intend to create situations where the best way to play PvP is to funnel gear from your alts to your main character.
  • Fixed an issue where the Well-Honed Instincts conduit was dropping for non-Druids.

Burning Crusade Classic

  • Fixed an issue where players who accepted a battle resurrection into a raid boss encounter after releasing their spirit could be teleported to their Hearthstone location.

The hotfix notes for the previous patch can be found here.