Tweet of Strength: This Week in HashCraft

May 3rd by Zarhym

The first rule of HashCraft: Everybody talks about HashCraft.

We pose the questions. We create the scenarios. You take our Twitter feed to legendary status. Here are some of our favorite responses to the past week's #WoWTag tweets.


Garrosh and Varian bump into each other on the street. What happens next? #WoWTag




@ It's on!! Your 5 guys against my 5 Guys 


@ Sylvanas jumps in with a bunch of Forsaken and they all do the Thriller dance.  


Garrosh to Varian: "Oh. Hi. How's the family? How's your dad? Oh - wait."



Do you follow any celebrities on Twitter? If they played , which race/class would they be? (Sheen =  doesn't count)               


@Warcraft I follow @! Oscar would be a Goblin shaman, Cookie would be some kind of tank. Elmo is an undead rogue. 


@ my favorite celeb, @lights already plays wow! best fit I see for any others r prob. Jesse mccartney as a blood elf pally


@ I follow @feliciaday. She's a hot mage. Err... fire mage. 


@Warcraft @RyanSeacrest would be a blood elf mage. He's so pretty, and he's got a hand in *everything*. 



Happy #Noblegarden! Our friends from @Wowhead have a full overview here: How are you spending your holiday?                              


I wish there was a @ holiday where pvp was disabled and burs and keks alike could sway in peace and unity for a day! #jkjk              


@ What holiday? :( One week of school to go!


@Warcraft I spent my holiday leveling my newest druid to level 60! I had so much fun with the new Cataclysm leveling quests!


Druids forming a conga line in Orgimmar lol! #WoWTag



Check out this @nytimes article: How have you been positively affected by relationships forged in           


@Warcraft I am currently in Alaska, visiting my best friend who I met in game. This is our 5th visit! 


@ I met my wife in WoW and we now have a son & daughter. That's pretty positive. #WoW 


@ #wow friends helped me through one of the darkest times in my life & 3 years later, we are all still friends! #warcraft #wowtag            


@Warcraft Made a "family" from all the friends I've met through WoW. To some, I'm the sister they like to tease. Others, RL mentor #WoWTag


Think you got mad Twitter game? Want to see your incredibly clever username on the front page of the community site? Follow us! Our latest HashCraft tweet is available for consumption now:


So, is the Son of Durotan really nearing his demise? Pick up the story and tell us how you'd finish it.